The Company
Dale Harris
John Alcock
Matthew Rickard
Mike Woodward
Nia Williams
Nick Planas
Rosemary Braddy
Tristan Stocks
Vanessa Woodward
Vivi Bayliss
John Alcock
John Logan
Lesley McKie
Nick Planas
Catrin Lewis
Dale Harris
David Bicarregui
David Jones
Edmund Caird
Freya Jacklin
Hannah Ambrose
Helen Winter
James Gribble
Mark Horner
Megan Strachan
Mike Woodward
Millie Hurd
Olivia Bell
Rob Jenkins
Rosa Sparks
Rosemary Braddy
Serenna Wagner
Thomas Stevenson
Tristan Stocks
Valerie Wong
Vanessa Woodward
Would you like to join us?
We are always interested to hear from singers and instrumentalists who share our passion for opera and operetta.
All of our artists are professionals, and we also welcome applications from early career artists or those completing conservatoire training. If you would like to audition for us, please contact Mike Woodward and include a cover email, your CV with a headshot.
Opera Anywhere is an equal opportunities employer.